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Automate document-heavy workflows

Boards help ops, finance and legal teams save time by automatically extracting key information from documents. Create a Board with the information you want to extract, upload or email files and we'll take care of the rest.

How it works

Flexible software to suit your business.

Import to board

Boards are flexible

Design your board in a way that suits your business and it's workflows. Use one of our templates or build your board from scatch by describing what you want.

Import to board

Import files

Adding files to your board has never been easier. Drag files into your board or email files to the board's email address. Boards support a wide range of file types like PDFs, images, and more.

Import to board

Automate data entry

Whenever you add a file, we'll extract information from the file, validate it against the format of your board and import it for you. Data is always stored in a structured, consistent format.

Import to board

Update with ease

Update entries in your board easily from our user interface. Add new columns as processes change and have them auto-populated using the associated file.

Use cases

Leverage Kili across your business.

Supplier bills
Sales orders
Shipment Tracking
Employee onboarding
Inventory tracking
Expense Reports

Manage payments to your suppliers and vendors by extracting details from bills.