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Setup your board

A board is a set of fields that you want to extract from a particular document. For example, your customer orders board will extract data from customer orders such as an order number, the date it was submitted and the customer who submitted it.

Click here to set up a new board. You can set up a board by uploading a file or setting up the columns manually. If you choose to upload a file, we'll recommend columns you should extract and let you edit the columns as you see fit. Alternatively, if you know the columns you want to extract, we recommend setting up the columns manually.

When setting up columns for a board, pay attention to the following:

  • Name: provide a clear name for your column. Our AI engine uses this when extracting information.
  • Description: provide a description for your column. This guides our AI engine when extracting data.
  • Display data type: select the type of field you want for the column. We'll ensure that data is extracted to match this format.
  • Required: turn this on for fields that must always be present. If we cannot find a value for this field, we will flag this to you so that you are aware of missing information.
  • Unique: if the field needs to have a unique value, turn this on. This is useful for fields like an invoice number or a customer order number. If we find a duplicate entry, we will flag this to you on your board.

Need help?

We're happy to help you with whatever you need. Book a call with our team using the link below.